Custom Passive Hearing Protection for Music

SOWEI Unlimited is Audiovox’s custom passive hearing protection with a linear filter for live music that is individually adapted to each user’s ear canal. The filter attenuates music linearly in all frequency bands, so the music experience is not ruined when you go to a concert or if you are a musician. The hearing protection is compact and can be produced with a small handle for easy insertion and removal. The hearing protection is made from a soft medical silicone and the filters in the hearing protection allow for pressure equalization, meaning you can wear them all day without discomfort.

The music filters for SOWEI Unlimited are available in 5 different versions with 10 dB, 15 dB, 20 dB, 25 dB and 30 dB linear noise reduction. The noise filter attenuates noise equally across all frequencies, which also makes them suitable for those with high speech and communication needs.

Retail price: 1.850 kr.

How sound is perceived is individual from person to person and the same goes for any sound attenuation. That’s why it can be difficult to explain what it sounds like when you use hearing protection.

At Audiovox, we know that it’s important for you as a customer to understand the impact of a product before you buy it. That’s why we offer you the opportunity to listen to audio demos so you can get an idea of how it sounds when loud sounds are reduced.

However, it’s important to emphasize that the audio demos are for guidance only and do not demonstrate exactly how you will experience sound attenuation when using molded hearing protection.

Live concert

Custom hearing protection for music

A rock band or a symphony orchestra can emit sound levels that, for periods of time, are equivalent to the noise level of a jet engine. The sound levels can quickly become harmful, causing tinnitus or hearing damage over time. With a set of custom in-ear earplugs for music, you can protect your hearing so you don’t risk hearing damage from a concert or a trip to the rehearsal room.

The sound level and the amount of time you are exposed to the noise has an impact on how much your hearing is affected. The longer the time or louder the noise, the greater the impact. In workplaces, employers must provide hearing protection if the noise level is above 80 dB. For noise above 85 dB, the employee is required to wear hearing protection. It is important to wear hearing protection at all times if the noise is above 85 dB, as the user has a high risk of hearing damage even if the limit is only exceeded for a short time. At 88 dB, the user is at risk of hearing damage after 4 hours, at 94 dB after 1 hour and at 120 dB after just 15 seconds.

Questions and answers:

What are custom passive music hearing protectors?

Audiovox’s custom passive music hearing protection is individually adapted to the individual user’s ears and are used to dampen music linearly on all frequency bands so that the music experience is not ruined.


Who can use custom passive music hearing protection?

Musicians or concertgoers who need comfortable noise reduction where the music experience is not ruined.


How do I get impressions taken for custom passive music hearing protection?

Audiovox’s frequency band is individually adapted to the individual user’s ears. We make an impression of each ear, after which the impression is 3D scanned, and the hearing protection is made after the 3D scan. The prints are made by one of Audiovox’s specialists or a collaboration partner


What is a linear noise filter?

A linear music filter attenuates all frequency bands equally, so that the music experience is not ruined


How much do the hearing protection attenuate?

Audiovox’s custom passive music hearing protection can be supplied with 5 different noise filters: 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 dB.


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